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Violence in prison is on the rise. One sheriff is hoping to expose this corruption within the system in quite an unconventional way. Using cameras in a new twist in the world of reality show drama. Here's my "Nightline" coanchor juju Chang. Reporter: Barbara and Zach are going to jail. I have no idea what to expect. Reporter: This is day one of their lockup in a place known for violence and illicit activity. It's really hitting me how real this is. Reporter: Every inmate says they're innocent but Zach and Barbara really are. I hive never been in jail. Reporter: Barbara is a military wife and stay at home mom. Why is jail not so bad that they're not afraid to change their ways and go back again? Reporter: Zach is a former marine who served in Afghanistan, who wants to be a Dea agent. Seeking a career in law enforcement, I felt this would give me a perspective that no other law enforcement officer has ever had.


I've been in jail two days and it feels like I have been here two months. Reporter: With his military experience, Zach is able to adjust. The nice thing about being in jail as opposed to being in Afghanistan is in Afghanistan, you don't know who the good guys are and the bad guys are. In jail, you kind of just have to treat everybody like a bad guy. Reporter: He's sent to c-pod, otherwise known as the most drug-ridden part of the jail. Zach learns the early warning signs that a fight's about to break out when a prisoner starts casually putting on his shoes. Called lacing up. They're going to put their shoes on to fight. I didn't see any of it because I stayed on my bunk.
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