Desperate parents resorting to military style boot camps to quell unruly behaviour in their teenage:Desperate parents resorting to military style boot camps to quell unruly behaviour in their teenage:February 24, 2016: It's the extreme action desperate parents are taking to try and end bad behaviour in their children.Desperate parents are sending their children to boot camps run by former military personnel in an attempt to teach them discipline and wean them off addictive technologies.Behaviour problems such as explosive tempers, lack of manners, laziness, disrespect, problems at school and a need for technological detox led the boys' parents to send them to a Queensland boot camp run by Veterans 4 Youth.
"Lots of things I am not proud to admit - vandalism, breaking into people's houses and all done under peer pressure," Mr Patterson admits.
It's for this reason that he is now dedicated to helping other young men turn their lives around before it is too late.The camps are run in Brisbane and use military training tactics to target rebellion, disrespect and anti-social behaviour.The tactics were successful for the boys featured on A Current Affair – when they came home, even teachers noticed the difference."We've got reports from the teachers saying what a great start to the year he has had so straight that is huge on last year's effort," Jordy's father, Rick, said.
It's for this reason that he is now dedicated to helping other young men turn their lives around before it is too late.The camps are run in Brisbane and use military training tactics to target rebellion, disrespect and anti-social behaviour.The tactics were successful for the boys featured on A Current Affair – when they came home, even teachers noticed the difference."We've got reports from the teachers saying what a great start to the year he has had so straight that is huge on last year's effort," Jordy's father, Rick, said.